The objectives of this master's degree aim at ensuring that future graduates have sufficient knowledge and skills to exercise the regulated profession of Aeronautical Engineer and, in addition, to meet legal requirements as set out in the Order CIN/312/2009, of 9 February, which establishes the requirements for the verification of the official university degrees qualifying for the practice of the profession of Aeronautical Engineer (Ingeniero Aeronáutico).
To be granted the degree, students should have acquired following competences:
Objective 1:
Ability to project, build, monitor, certify and maintain all types of aircraft and spacecraft, as well as their related subsystems.
Objective 2:
Ability to plan, project and control infrastructures construction processes, buildings and airport facilities, as well as their maintenance, conservation and operation.
Objective 3:
Ability to generally and technically manage research, development and innovation projects in aeronautical and space technology companies and centres.
Objective 4:
Ability to integrate complex aerospace systems and cross-functional work teams.
Objective 5:
Ability to analyse and correct environmental and social impact of technical solutions of any aerospace system.
Objective 6:
Ability to analyse and solve aerospace issues whitin new or unknown environments, in broad and complex contexts.
Objective 7:
Competence to plan, project, manage and certify procedures, infrastructures and systems supporting aerospace activity, including air navigation systems.
Objective 8:
Competence to project aeronautical and space buildings and facilities, which require an integrated project as a whole, due to the variety of its technologies, its complexity or in-depth technical expertise required.
Objective 9:
Competence regarding all areas related to airport, aeronautical or space technologies that, by their nature, are not exclusive to other fields of engineering.
Objective 10:
Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the required regulation within the practice of the profession of Aeronautical Engineer.