Branch of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture
Duration of studies: 2 Years (120 ECTS Credits)
Attendance conditions: On-campus education
Centre in charge: Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR/UPM, Institute for Microgravity “Ignacio Da Riva”)
Remarks: Professional Orientation (Project Based Learning). Limited seats offered: (a maximum 20 students per year).
Verification Date: 23/Jul/2014
Implementation Year: 2014/15 - (University, Centres and Degrees Registry, - RUTC as per its acronym in Spanish)
To access official master's degree programmes, it is required to hold an official Spanish University Degree in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1393/2007, amended by RD 861/2010, of the academic degree of Bachelor, Engineer or Architect, granted by the Spanish State in accordance with legislations prior to the aforementioned Royal Decree, or other equivalent Degree issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area, authorising the issuer of the aforementioned degree to access Master's degrees.
Likewise, graduates may access according to educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the requirement of recognition of foreign higher education degrees. They shall be subject to prior verification by the University that they accredit an educational level equivalent to those issued by official Spanish university degrees, and that authorize the issuer country to access postgraduate education.
With regard to this master's degree, appropriate degrees suitable to access will be the former Aeronautical Engineer, and concerning Bologna scheme, Graduates in Aerospace Engineering or related disciplines.