ETSIAEStudiesOfficial MASTER’S StudiesMaster's Degree in Industrial Mathematics

Master's Degree in Industrial Mathematics (M2i)

Branch of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture

Duration of studies: 3 semesters (90 ECTS Credits)

Attendance conditions: On-campus education 

Intensifications: Modelling and Numerical Simulation

Remarks:  Inter-university programme of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) together with the Universidad de A Coruña (UDC), the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) and the Universidad de Vigo (UVigo).

Seats offered: 15 students per year (at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).

Verification Date: 25/Sep/2013 (Verification Report

Implementation Year: 2014/2015 - (University, Centres and Degrees Registry,  - RUTC as per its acronym in Spanish)


The Master's Degree in Industrial Mathematics (M2i) is a postgraduate programme set up in response to the growing role of mathematical modelling and numerical simulation in all industrial sectors. It has been organised within the approach given by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) for such programmes.

This Master's Degree, of inter-university nature, is aimed primarily at graduates of Engineering, Mathematics and Physics. Among preferred degrees are, indeed, both the Undergraduate's Degree in Aerospace Engineering and the former degrees of Aeronautical Engineer and Technical Aeronautical Engineer.

You can find extensive information about the Master's Degree in Industrial Mathematics on this site.